When we hear the word culture we often think about the social practices of a society or group of people. Countries have different cultures. States can have different practices. Even a town or city can have their own culture or traditions. What we don’t realize is that we have our own cultures within our families. We often don’t realize that we have created a culture until we are out of it. An example was given that a fish does not realize it is in water until it is out of it. We create our own practices, traditions, habits and values within the family unit. However, our family culture is influenced by our social culture. If you live in a different country, your family traditions will be much different than a family of a different culture. Often societies will have traditions that are followed by the family unit. My sister served her mission in the Philippines. There, it is customary to not knock on doors when you arrive. Instead, you just have to yell really loud until someone answers you. If my sister came home and did that in America, it would be seen as weird.
Every family has their own culture. When we go into society and bring these different cultures together it has the possibility of causing contention. It can happen with roommates, a mission companion, or your future spouse. If somebody is used to one way while another is used to a different way, they have to come together and compromise. One thing that I found very interesting for this time in my life was that when we get married, it is our responsibility to create our own family culture. We have to bring together our previous home lives and compromise and create new ones. That is a big responsibility that can influence generations to come.
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