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Gender Roles and Christ's example

 Hello everybody! I hope your week is going absolutely fantastic! This week I am going to be writing about Christ’s example and gender roles. Gender has become a very sensitive subject in the modern world. It has become a very relevant issue in politics and in social interactions. In fact, it is still being brought up in current politics as they are trying to decide the next supreme court justice. I believe that it is a subject that we should all be able to openly talk about without judgement on either side. If we are able to see others with love and compassion, we can discuss these sensitive subjects openly. 

A person's sexual attraction has been widely discussed among social science workers. Is it biological or a choice? Does it have to do with a person's environment or their personal experiences? The answer is that there isn’t a definite answer. Like most of the social science studies, there isn’t one definite answer to the question because there are multiple factors involved in human behavior. However, there are multiple theories that can be used to explain how a person might develop a certain sexual attraction. Some theories suggest that it has to do with our chromosomes. Others suggest that it is because of surrounding circumstances. One theory that I found the most helpful was suggested by Daryl J. Bern. He suggested that it is a variety of factors in the development of the person. Within his theory, he talks about the gender roles that factor into sexual orientation. 

Gender roles are the actions or behaviors that society has deemed masculine or feminine qualities. For example, if I described a person as nurturing, sensitive, or gentle, it is generally assumed as female qualities. If I described someone as protective, strong, or aggressive, it would be generally assumed to be more masculine. These “gender roles” are almost expected in society to present themselves in the assigned sex. When they are not, people are viewed as different or can often be made fun of, especially at young ages. Society views people who go outside of gender roles as different and not accepted. 

It shouldn't have to be this way. We should accept everybody, especially during their childhood. We tend to judge males much harder than females when they leave gender roles. The word “tomboy” is a much more common word with a lot less negative connotation than words like “sissy” or “fem.” It’s sad to think that these people are feeling ostracized from their peers because they like something different than the rest. Why should a male who is more sensitive or nurturing be judged? Or why should a female who is more protective feel out of place? 

There is one person who perfectly encompasses all of these gender roles. He is kind, loyal, nurturing, and protective. His name is Jesus Christ. I firmly believe that instead of focusing on trying to fit into these gender roles, we should try to work on the Christ Like Attributes. The Savior didn’t care about being seen as masculine or feminine. He cared about loving and serving others. He cared about lifting people up. He laid the perfect example for how we should live our lives and treat other people. We should be focused on developing Christ- like roles rather than fitting into gender roles.  When we can focus on the Savior and His example we are able to lift each other up instead of bringing others down. We should accept everybody for who they are. We should be focused on becoming like Christ instead of trying to fit into society's rules. 


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