Hi Y’all! This week I would like to discuss the question, Why Family? It sounds like a funky question but it holds such a powerful and deep meaning. I would like to begin by talking about my wonderful, crazy family and how they have had an impact on my life. I am the second oldest of five kids. There is never a dull moment in my household. Our house is always filled with laughter, screaming matches, burning toast, loud music, and most importantly, love. Throughout my life and the different challenges I have faced I have always known that I was loved and cared for. My parents were both born and raised in the gospel and passed those principles onto their children. I was taught to love the Savior, Jesus Christ with all of my heart and rely on him in everything I do. My parents are the greatest examples of that. I have watched them struggle through trials together as husband and wife. They rely on the Savior and his council and wisdom and always come out stronger because of it. When I was younger, they taught me the basic gospel principles but as I got older, they let me discover my own testimony. I owe my life to my family. Without them, I don’t know where I would be.
Ok enough about my crazy family. Back to the question, why family? The Family: A Proclamation to the World, a statement released by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints, states, “The family is ordained of God. Marriage is essential to His eternal plan.” That is an incredibly powerful statement. Not only is the family important, but it is essential. As I was pondering this I asked myself, “Why would it be essential?” I searched and studied until I came to the conclusion that the family is what brings us joy and happiness and helps us become like our father in heaven. I was reading 2 Nephi 2:25. It states, “Adam fell that men are and men are that they might have joy.” The footnote under joy states, “Man’s potential to become like Heavenly Father.” So if the family is what brings us joy and joy means our potential to become like Heavenly Father, then that means the family is what helps us reach our full potential to become like Him. If we want to be like Him, we have to have family! Family helps us progress along the path to eternal life.
I understand that not everybody has the ideal family life. Nobody does. Every family is different. If you are a parent or spouse and are not satisfied, council with the Lord to see what you can do to improve your situation.If you are young and not happy with your current family life, do everything you can to prepare for your future family. Many people are often scared or don't think it is important to bring children into this world. I was given a new perspective on this topic during class. We spoke of a situation where you were speaking to your Heavenly Father. He asks you to take care of something that he cares very deeply about. Would you do it? Or would you say it’s not important enough? That is how he views children. He cares about them deeply and has asked each and everyone of us to care for them.
Why Family? Because family is essential to the plan of happiness. They bring joy, peace, and light into our lives. They help us to become one step closer to becoming like our Father in Heaven. Heavenly Father has commanded and charged us with the responsibility of raising children. That is why we have family.
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