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Final Post

 Hey everybody! This will be my final blog post! I would like to say thank you to my amazing teacher Michael Williams for the wonderful insights he has provided this semester! I highly recommend taking this class to anyone who is thinking about it. I would like to end this blog with my major takeaways from this class. 

The family is the most basic unit and yet the most important unit within the plan that our heavenly father has for us. It influences who you are and what you are becoming. Whether it has a negative or positive impact, you will always be affected by your family. The family is a complex system that affects every aspect of your life. Think of it as a baby mobile. If one part moves, the entire mobile moves. The same goes for the family. Everything each member of the family does somehow affects the others in the family. There are rules and roles within each family system that determine how the family functions. These roles and rules will vary depending on each family and their circumstances. 

Dating and the transitions into marriage were also some of my major takeaways. When dating we should make sure that we are following the R.A.M or Relationship Attachment Model. This Model explains that we first have to know someone, then trust them, then rely on them, then commit to them and finally we can have the physical contact come into play. If done out of order, we can end up with a false sense of knowing who a person really is. We also learned that having a clear “define the relationship” talks are essential to a healthy relationship. If we don’t, it makes a lot more room for miscommunication and heartache. A useful tip was that we are not engaged until there is a date and a ring on the finger. When we are focused on the wedding, it is important to make sure that we are focused on the on coming marriage as well as the ceremony. Another useful tip was to have a less expensive wedding but have more guests. This way you are less focused on the material things and more focused on the relationships you have with other people. 

Communication is another key element of having healthy family relations. I cannot emphasize enough the importance and benefits of effective and frequent communication. This can solve many problems and issues that come with marriage and having a family. If we can’t talk about our problems, we let them spill over into our relationships. This can create conflict within the home very easily. However, if we are diligent in our efforts to have open communication, our family lives will improve. It is also important to make sure that we are communicating effectively. If we are using texting or social media as our main tool of communication, there can be many negative consequences. 

The family is an incredibly important aspect of our lives. It is important to remember that no family is going to be perfect. If you are older and not in an ideal home life, seek counsel from Lord as to what you can do to improve your situation. If you are young and are living with a difficult home life, focus on your future family and what you hope it will be like. One of my favorite quotes is by Mother Teresa. She said, “If you want to change the world, go home and love your family.” I love this quote because it shows that the family truly does have a major influence on the world. 


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